
Welcome to Lux & Lunar Co.! 

Hi! I'm C, and I am a creator and artist. My art journey has been a long time coming, but really took off, surprisingly, after I had surgery a few summers ago. To deal with the trauma and loss of control during that time, I turned to painting. This medium allowed me to cope with what was happening and gave me peace. Without the art twitter community, I would not be where I am today. To all of those who supported me and believed in me early on in my creative career- thank you, a million times over. 

Thank you for visiting my page and supporting this journey. For me, art is more than creating- it is freedom, independence, and healing. By purchasing from my shop or supporting me, you are encouraging me to do what I love and what has brought me peace in the darkest of times. 

With love,

Lux & Lunar Co.